Tennis Nutrition (Tennis Player Diet)

Tennis is a physically and mentally demanding sport that requires proper nutrition and hydration to support training and match-play. The purpose of this article is to provide evidence-based nutritional recommendations for tennis players. Anthropometric and Physiological Characteristics of Tennis Players Tennis players do not excel in any particular characteristic but are well adapted in allContinue reading “Tennis Nutrition (Tennis Player Diet)”

Nutrition for Table Tennis

Table tennis, often referred to as ping pong, is a fast-paced, high-intensity sport that demands exceptional agility, precision, and stamina. To excel in this sport, athletes must not only hone their skills but also pay close attention to their nutrition. Proper nutrition can enhance performance, aid recovery, and provide the energy needed to compete atContinue reading “Nutrition for Table Tennis”

Making Weight For Combat Sports (Boxing, Kickboxing, Wrestling, etc…)

In the world of combat sports, athletes strive to achieve the perfect balance between power and weight. This balance is crucial because fighters are typically categorized into weight divisions, and they must meet a certain weight requirement before a competition. This process, known as “making weight,” involves a weigh-in where the athlete’s body weight isContinue reading “Making Weight For Combat Sports (Boxing, Kickboxing, Wrestling, etc…)”

Nutritional Recommendations for Water Polo

Water Polo is played in a pool that’s 30 meters long and 20 meters wide, with a minimum depth of 2 meters. Each team consists of 13 players, including a goalkeeper and 6 field players. A match consists of four quarters of 8 minutes each, excluding time for penalties, time-outs, or goals. The goalkeeper isContinue reading “Nutritional Recommendations for Water Polo”

Nutrition for Ultra-Marathons: Fueling Ultra Runners

Ultra-marathons, those races exceeding the traditional marathon distance of 26.2 miles (42.2 km), have been gaining popularity over the past few decades. These events challenge athletes to run long distances, often in extreme conditions and remote locations. Training and racing in ultra-marathons require not only physical endurance but also careful attention to nutrition. Nutrition for TrainingContinue reading “Nutrition for Ultra-Marathons: Fueling Ultra Runners”

Hydration & Athletic Performance

During exercise, our bodies sweat to keep the temperature from rising too much. As a result, we lose water through our skin and unless this is replenished, dehydration can arise. Dehydration is defined as a body fluid deficit of more than 2 % of bodyweight (e.g. a 2 kg loss in a person weighing 100kg,Continue reading “Hydration & Athletic Performance”